Without regrets!
Image courtesy of Sira Anamwong / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
A life full of worries and anxieties is not only hard, but it also can make us ill. Stop ruminating and keep going!
It is not easy to look ahead, but it is the best thing one can do. Most of us are often thinking about events that happened in the past, which cannot be changed. This attitude puts us in a bad mood and has a bad influence on our health. This is a certainly kind of stress as the result of repetitive regretful thoughts.
Especially young folks are concerned about the past. Older people have learned that they shouldn’t spend their lives with regrets. They are indeed remorseful, but they try to see the bright side of their experiences and not to repeat the mistakes. They don’t ask themselves „what if?”. This is a good approach. We can never know what would have happened if … This moment is gone forever. We cannot know which circumstances would have arised. But, we can influence what is to come. After we’ve acknowledged the error, we shall try and find that balance, which won’t allow us to repeat the mistake.
Let go of the past and live in the present! The people we’ve heart cannot be unhurt, the relations we’ve broken cannot be unbroken. Instead, we can try to build stronger ones, and do good things to those people in order to compensate the wrong. If letting go is too hard for you, write the things that you regret on a piece of paper and rip it. This happened in the past, and now is the present! You thought at that time it was the right thing to do, but now you are sorry. Learn from your mistakes instead of spending time with them. You can also talk to the people you’ve heart or to a good friend about your regrets. A problem shared is a problem halved.